Oh, if every city could be Lisbon, what troubles would wash away from the world! A warm summer’s night in Lisbon can cure even the sickest heart, if only for a moment. When the full moon rises over this city, the sparks of life fly freely!
From Alfama to Bairro Alto, the sound of Portuguese rising into the night air has always comforted me. The desperate cry of Fado in the night pays homage to all that has been lost, while never losing that sacredness of the moment. Nothing could ever sound so sweetly. And how could it? What production of mere mortals such as we could ever equal the sweet sorrow of such songs? It wraps misery in a redemptive cloud of mystery. The world is strange. The sound of strangeness brings strangers together, if only for a while. And nothing says mystery like a winding alley in Lisbon…
And here we are, dear audience. Here we are. Where else could we be, in this moment, in this time, for whatever it could mean? I would like to think that it means much, in spite of everything. I would like to think that beauty brought into the world redeems itself and everything around it in the waters of life. And boy, do those waters of life flow freely, in the hearts of those with the courage to look.
I’ll think I’ll order the Caipirinha. And why not? In the year 2023, to not order such a fine beverage would be unworthy of the legends we were born to be. Loving and living legends, that is what this time demands. Anything less is just a waste of time.
I don’t usually write drunk, but when I do my grammar’s perfect.
And for all you folks who were wondering, you can absolutely bring body armor on the airplane!!!
So long as you account for the weight…
And isn’t that what life is all about?