My friend Alexandros, the Greek, who I met in the Portuguese City of Porto in 2022, has graciously invited me to visit him in Athens sometime in Spring 2024. I have accepted. The flight from Poland to Athens is around $200 roundtrip, and I was already thinking about taking advantage of the geography of Ukraine, and cheap flights from the region to places in the Mediterranean and Middle East. I'm not going to book anything until this winter when I get a sense of what is what.
I have continued to edit my chapter from Portugal of Blood on the Sunflowers. Hopefully it will be ready to be published sometime this week. Alexandros read it, as he is a major character in the chaos, and approved its content.
"How the f*ck do you remember everything?? This answer is accurate 100%. I remember it," Alexandros exclaimed.
"I dunno. I like to tell stories. So I have to remember what people say," I laughed.
Max, Alexandros, and I really rocked that f*cking Sao Joao festival back in '22. In a few days it will be the anniversary of said debauchery. Max has been quoting sh*t from my Portuguese chapter for a while now, so I must've done something right!