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Brick by Brick

“Hey so if anyone is available today and/or the next few days, we could really use extra hands to help us at the school with changing windows and general clean up. Thanks!” 

Francis, my Canadian friend, texted our group in the aftermath of the destruction of Boiko School where he taught before the Russians decided to destroy it. Apartment buildings and playgrounds were also damaged by the blast of a massive glide-bomb strike that totally destroyed a third of the school, while severely damaging the remaining facilities. 

“What time?” I asked.

“Anytime you can get here,” he replied.

And that’s how I ended up knee-deep in dust and debris, reaching my arms down into crevices and gaps under fallen pieces of wall and roof trying to salvage the good bricks for reuse. They also had us collect all the metal we could grab. The stuff that couldn’t be moved by hand was collected by a loader. I probably collected and stacked 200 bricks yesterday. I ended up using a rake I had salvaged from the debris and a brush to clear off the little bits of brick and debris so I could the clean white color of the usable bricks.

I’m going to be helping more this week, but I’m not really sure what the schedule is. 

I’ve got to go back out this morning, so I’m keeping this one short today! 

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